

Dec 23, 2023

McCaul, Kean, Wilson, Keating, Lieu, Golden Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Urging Immediate Transfer of ATACMS to Ukraine

Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Subcommittee on Europe Chairman Tom Kean, Jr. (R-NJ), Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia Chairman Joe Wilson (R-SC), along with Subcommittee on Europe RM Bill Keating (D-MA), Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), and Jared Golden (D-ME) announced the introduction of a bipartisan House Resolution aimed at urging the Biden administration to swiftly provide Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine.

"By not giving Ukraine the weapons it needs to win this war, the administration is prolonging the conflict and costing countless Ukrainian lives," said Chairman McCaul. "The success of Ukraine's counteroffensive is directly tied to the military assistance provided by the U.S. and our allies. As such, it is extremely disappointing the administration is sitting on billions in remaining military funding with which it could immediately transfer ATACMS to Ukraine and, in turn, help their Armed Forces make a major difference on the battlefield."

"I am proud to introduce this bipartisan resolution, which calls upon the Biden administration to prioritize the provision of Army Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine," said Chairman Kean. "ATACMS can help Ukraine in its critical counteroffensive, and I hope this bipartisan message can unlock this long overdue policy decision."

"Ukrainians have given everything to save their country and families from Putin's genocidal invasion. Delays in sending critical weapons cost countless lives. Our allies have provided longer range munitions, trusting that Ukraine will use these weapons responsibly. The sooner Ukraine receives ATACMS, the sooner they can secure victory," said Rep. Wilson.

"Ukraine is at a pivotal point in their fight against Russian aggression. For this reason, I believe the U.S. should provide Ukraine with sufficient numbers of the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), while still maintaining U.S. military readiness," said Ranking Member Keating. "To ensure their success, the U.S. has worked with Ukraine to fulfill the vast majority of Ukraine's weapons systems requests. While I do not believe we should be providing systems that cause indiscriminate harm to civilians, such as cluster munitions, ATACMS will allow Ukraine to strike high-value Russian military targets that are current inaccessible in Russian-occupied Ukraine."

"We must provide the Ukrainians with what they need to win. This is war. The side that makes the decision to win is the side that will win," said Rep. Lieu. "I’m pleased to cosponsor this resolution urging the Biden Administration to provide Ukraine with the long-range missile systems they have repeatedly requested. Currently, Russia's arsenal of long-range missiles largely outnumbers that of Ukraine, putting Ukraine at a significant disadvantage. I applaud the United Kingdom and France for providing Ukraine with long-range missiles and believe the United States should follow suit. Providing Ukraine with these missiles will expand Ukraine's capabilities and help Ukraine win."

"We should give the Ukrainians the things they need to win this war," said Rep. Golden.

The full text of the bipartisan resolution can be read here.


Washington, D.C. Chairman McCaul Chairman Kean Rep. Wilson Ranking Member Keating Rep. Lieu Rep. Golden