

May 27, 2023

Is the Soul of the Tories Up for Grabs Along With the Telegraph?

Lloyds is set to put the newspaper group up for sale to settle its owners’ debts.

The Telegraph hosted a Q & A in 2019 between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt for the Conservative Party leadership and thus prime minister.

Martin Ivens

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Long after he became prime minister, Boris Johnson used to refer to his former employer, the right-wing Daily Telegraph newspaper, as his "real boss" — or so his former chief adviser Dominic Cummings alleges.

It is just the sort of mischievous throwaway line that Johnson can't resist — he was once the paper's star columnist and Brussels correspondent — but, apocryphal or not, the joke contains a kernel of truth. The 150 year-old publication has strong ties to the ruling Conservative party.